Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Workshop Wednesday E13-14 #11

 Time to put another oiltank on the '72 Ironhead. The old one was not broken but I bought a nice survivor Chrome tank with a nice Chrome cap so I will put that one on this H-D. Painted the back to prevent from rust and the 72 logo will be placed later on. Cleaned everything behind the tank so its time to place it back next week, new 20W50 oil and intern oilfilter. In the meanwhile the sissybar broke so thats another project....

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Workshop Wednesday E13-14 #10

New braided brakeline for the '72 Ironhead. Its about time this bike has a frontbrake, been real close to some accidents cause in Holland you can't ride safe without a frontbrake. Buell X1 brakelever for 7/8 bars, braided brakeline with straight and 80 degree couplings, '86 sportster caliper.

Stolen Pictures

I don't like to steal pictures but on the other hand: Did they ask to take a picture of me??
Credits to 247 Autoholic and Transworld BMX.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Workshop Wednesday E13-14 #9

Bought a Buell X1 Front Brake Master Cylinder on ebay, brand new. I will use it on the Universal Motocross bars (7/8") so I don't have to work with adaptors anymore from 1" to 7/8". Buell is using 7/8" bars so this was the best choice after I figured it out. (I only have my Buell X1 for 11 years.....)
Made the lever silver to match the black&silver Universal MX Clutchlever. Now I need to order a
braided brakeline in the good size and finally after a couple of years the '72 Ironhead will have a front brake again. It even has a brake light switch so I can make it "legal" too.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Spencer McCabe's Bell 500 Helmet at Hoodlum Society

At Texas Toast we had an auction for the ARF (Athlete Recovery Fund) at the Bell Helmets party so of course I was bidding like hell and won this very nice Bell Helmet (my size M) done by Spencer McCabe. It fits the 1972 golden Ironhead very well and last but not least Aaron Cook of the ARF has some extra money to spend for a good cause.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Workshop Wednesday E13-14 #8

Horn on a Flattracker sounds stupid, and it is. But sometimes its very handy so I was thinking for months how to make it happen and now it is ready. The horn is behind the numberplate and the pushbutton is between the tank, mounted on the toptube. It works, looks clean, nobody know what it is and they all got scared when they push it hahaha. Made of a piece of S&M Slambars and a piece of BMX Forks so total price was Euro 4,50 for the button. Did a testride today: I feel more stupid...yes the front wheel balancing worked so well, no more shaking even when going 85 mls/hour.Problems solved. Did 500 km's so BaMo Tech put some new oil/oilfilter on the machine and its ready to go....well after Winter.